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OBD 2 DTC Codes

If you have a problem with your car like your Check Engine Light is turned on and you want to diagnose it, here is the list of manufacturer specific OBD-2 codes aka DTC - Trouble Codes

If you didn't find a right OBD-II code for your car you should consider Generic OBD 2 DTC Codes list.

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Rolls Royce Owners Manual

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is a wholly owned English subsidiary of BMW that manufactures luxury cars. Rolls-Royce Limited was created over a famous lunch in May 1904. Henry Royce, a successful engineer, struck a deal with Charles Rolls, owner of one of the first car dealerships. The rest is history.

Rolls-Royces are renowned for their reliability and stability. An estimated three out of every four Rolls-Royces ever made are still on the road. Every Rolls-Royce motor car is built by hand at our state-of-the-art head quarters and manufacturing facility at the Home of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars at Goodwood.

Find all Rolls Royce models owners manuals and handbooks in PDF as free download.

There are three other service related documents for the Rolls Royce Silver Shadow and Bentley T: the Handbook (Owners Manual), the Workshop Manual, and From the Shadow’s Corner by Cal West. I have a copy of each and so should you. What follows in these pages are all of the maintenance projects that I still had to figure out for myself during the first five years of my ownership.


This Rolls Royce Owner's Handbook describes all Rolls-Royce Connect functions for all standard, national market and optional equipment offered. Therefore, it also describes functions that may not be available on a car due to its particular model, equipment level, production version or national variant. The same applies to safety-related functions and systems.


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