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OBD 2 DTC Codes

If you have a problem with your car like your Check Engine Light is turned on and you want to diagnose it, here is the list of manufacturer specific OBD-2 codes aka DTC - Trouble Codes

If you didn't find a right OBD-II code for your car you should consider Generic OBD 2 DTC Codes list.

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> Honda Owners Manual > Honda Specific OBD II Trouble Codes (DTC)

Honda Specific OBD II Trouble Codes (DTC)

Identify and Diagnose Your Honda DTC Problem

Here is the list of Specific Honda OBD-II DTC trouble codes. If you see Check Engine Light turned on on your dashboard, connect your OBD2 reader and read the sensor code. You'll be able to identify and diagnose the trouble code of your Honda.

This codes are here just to inform you about the malfunction. We're not responsable if something goes wrong.

The List Of Honda Specific OBD II Trouble Codes

Code Description
P1106 Barometric Pressure Circuit Range/Performance
P1107 Barometric Pressure Circuit Low Input
P1108 Barometric Pressure Circuit High Input
P1121 Throttle Position Lower Than Expected
P1122 Throttle Position Higher Than Expected
P1128 MAP Lower Than Expected
P1129 MAP Higher Than Expected
P1149 Primary HO2S (Sensor 1) Circuit Range/Performance Problem
P1162 Primary HO2S (No. 1) Circuit Malfunction
P1163 Primary HO2S (No. 1) Circuit Slow Response
P1164 Primary HO2S (No. 1) Circuit Range/Performance
P1165 Primary HO2S (No. 1) Circuit Range/Performance
P1166 Primary HO2S (No. 1) Heater System Electrical
P1167 Primary HO2S (No. 1) Heater System
P1168 Primary HO2S (No. 1) LABEL Low Input
P1169 Primary HO2S (No. 1) LABEL High Input
P1201 Cylinder 1 Misfire - Compare possible causes/symptoms for this Honda check engine light code to the Generic OBD II code P0301
P1202 Cylinder 2 Misfire - Compare possible causes/symptoms for this Honda check engine light code to the Generic OBD II code P0302
P1203 Cylinder 3 Misfire - Compare possible causes/symptoms for this Honda check engine light code to the Generic OBD II code P0303
P1204 Cylinder 4 Misfire - Compare possible causes/symptoms for this Honda check engine light code to the Generic OBD II code P0304
P1205 Cylinder 5 Misfire - Compare possible causes/symptoms for this Honda check engine light code to the Generic OBD II code P0305
P1206 Cylinder 6 Misfire - Compare possible causes/symptoms for this Honda check engine light code to the Generic OBD II code P0306
P1241 Throttle Vent Control Motor Circuit 1 Malfunction
P1242 Throttle Vent Control Motor Circuit 2 Malfunction
P1243 Throttle Position Insufficient
P1244 Closed Throttle Position Insufficient
P1246 Accelerator Position Sensor 1 Circuit Malfunction
P1247 Accelerator Position Sensor 2 Circuit Malfunction
P1248 Accelerator Position Sensors 1 & 2 Improper Correlation
P1253 VTEC System Malfunction
P1257 VTEC System Malfunction
P1258 VTEC System Malfunction
P1259 VTEC System Malfunction
P1297 Electrical Load Detector Circuit Low Input
P1298 Electrical Load Detector Circuit High Input
P1300 Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected
P1301 Cylinder 1 Misfire - Compare possible causes/symptoms for this Honda check engine light code to the Generic OBD II code P0301
P1302 Cylinder 2 Misfire - Compare possible causes/symptoms for this Honda check engine light code to the Generic OBD II code P0302
P1303 Cylinder 3 Misfire - Compare possible causes/symptoms for this Honda check engine light code to the Generic OBD II code P0303
P1304 Cylinder 4 Misfire - Compare possible causes/symptoms for this Honda check engine light code to the Generic OBD II code P0304
P1305 Cylinder 5 Misfire - Compare possible causes/symptoms for this Honda check engine light code to the Generic OBD II code P0305
P1306 Cylinder 6 Misfire - Compare possible causes/symptoms for this Honda check engine light code to the Generic OBD II code P0306
P1316 Spark Plug Voltage Detection Circuit Malfunction, Front Bank
P1317 Spark Plug Voltage Detection Circuit Malfunction, Rear Bank
P1318 Spark Plug Voltage Detection Module Reset Circuit Malfunction, Front Bank
P1319 Spark Plug Voltage Detection Module Reset Circuit Malfunction, Rear Bank
P1324 Knock Sensor Power Source Circuit Low Voltage
P1336 CSF Sensor Intermittent Interruption, CKP Sensor B Range/Performance
P1337 CSF Sensor No Signal, CKP Sensor B Low Input
P1359 CKP/TDC Sensor Connector Disconnection
P1361 Intermittent Interruption In TDC 1 Sensor Circuit
P1362 No Signal In TDC 1 Sensor Circuit
P1366 Intermittent Interruption In TDC 2 Sensor Circuit
P1367 No Signal In TDC 2 Sensor Circuit
P1381 Cylinder Position Sensor Intermittent Interruption
P1382 Cylinder Position Sensor No Signal
P1456 EVAP Emission Control System Leak Detected (Fuel Tank System)
P1457 EVAP Emission Control System Leak Detected (Control Canister System)
P1459 EVAP Emission Purge Flow Switch Malfunction
P1486 Thermostat Range/Performance Problem
P1387 CYP Sensor B No Signal
P1456 Evaporative Emission Control System Leak Detected (Fuel Tank System)
P1457 Evaporative Emission Control System Leak Detected (Control Canister System)
P1459 EVAP Purge Flow Switch Malfunction
P1491 EGR Valve Lift Insufficient Detected
P1498 EGR Valve Lift Sensor High Voltage
P1508 IAC Valve Circuit Failure
P1509 IAC Valve Circuit Failure
P1519 Idle Air Control Valve Circuit Failure
P1607 ECM/PCM Internal Circuit Failure A
P1608 ECM/PCM Internal Circuit Failure B
P1655 SEAF/SEFA/TMA/TMB Signal Line Failure
P1656 Automatic Transaxle
P1660 Automatic Transaxle FI Signal A Circuit Failure
P1671 A/T FI Data Line No Signal
P1672 A/T FI Data Line Failure
P1676 FPTDR Signal Line Failure, Traction Control System FI Data Line No Signal
P1678 FPTDR Signal Line Failure, Traction Control System FI Data Line Failure
P1681 Automatic Transaxle FI Signal A Low Input
P1682 Automatic Transaxle FI Signal A High Input
P1686 Automatic Transaxle FI Signal B Low Input
P1687 Automatic Transaxle FI Signal B High Input
P1690 Traction Control System STB Line Failure
P1696 Traction Control Fuel Cut Signal Low Input
P1697 Traction Control Fuel Cut Signal High Input
P1705 Automatic Transaxle Concerns, Gear Position Switch Circuit Shorted
P1706 Automatic Transaxle Concerns, Gear Position Switch Circuit Open
P1709 Automatic Transmission System Malfunction
P1738 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1739 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1753 Automatic Transaxle Concerns, Lockup Solenoid Valve "A" Fault
P1758 Automatic Transaxle Concerns, Lockup Solenoid Valve "B" Fault
P1768 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1773 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1785 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1786 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1788 Automatic Transmission System Malfunction
P1790 Automatic Transaxle Concerns, TP Sensor Circuit Fault
P1791 Automatic Transaxle Concerns, Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Fault
P1792 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1793 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1794 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1795 Automatic Transmission System Malfunction
P1870 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1873 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1879 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1885 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1886 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1888 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1890 Automatic Transaxle Concerns
P1891 Automatic Transaxle Concerns

Check some advices how to maintenance your Honda Specific OBD II Trouble Codes (DTC) included.

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