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OBD 2 DTC Codes

If you have a problem with your car like your Check Engine Light is turned on and you want to diagnose it, here is the list of manufacturer specific OBD-2 codes aka DTC - Trouble Codes

If you didn't find a right OBD-II code for your car you should consider Generic OBD 2 DTC Codes list.

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> Toyota Owners Manual > Toyota Specific OBD II Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)

Toyota Specific OBD II Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)

Diagnose and identify your Toyota DTC problem

If you have the Check Engine Light problem with your Toyota (it's when yellow light turns on on the dashboard) read the code (DTC) with OBD-II reader and go to service.

Please note that the P1xxx codes are Toyota Specific codes. If you have code with P0xxx it's a standard or general DTC code and will relate to all cars.

The list of Toyota specific OBD-II DTC codes

P1100 Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit Fault
P1120 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P1121 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Range/Performance Problem
P1125 Throttle Control Motor Circuit Malfunction
P1126 Magnetic Clutch Circuit Malfunction
P1127 ETCS Actuator Power Source Circuit Malfunction
P1128 Throttle Control Motor Lock Malfunction
P1129 Electric Throttle Control System Malfunction
P1130 A/F Sensor Circuit Range / Performance Malfunction (Bank #1 Sensor #1)
P1133 A/F Sensor Circuit Response Malfunction (Bank #1 Sensor #1)
P1135 A/F Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank #1 Sensor #1)
P1150 A/F Sensor Circuit Range / Performance Malfunction (Bank #2 Sensor #1)
P1153 A/F Sensor Circuit Response Malfunction (Bank #2 Sensor #1)
P1155 A/F Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank #2 Sensor #1)
P1200 Fuel Pump Relay Circuit Fault
P1300 Igniter Circuit Fault (Bank #1)
P1305 Igniter Circuit Fault (Bank #2)
P1310 Igniter Circuit Fault (Bank #3)
P1315 Igniter Circuit Fault (Bank #4)
P1320 Igniter Circuit Fault (Bank #5)
P1325 Igniter Circuit Fault (Bank #6)
P1330 Igniter Circuit Fault (Bank #7)
P1335 Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit Fault (during engine running)
P1340 Igniter Circuit Fault (Bank #8)
P1400 Sub-Throttle Position Sensor Circuit Fault
P1401 Sub-Throttle Position Sensor Performance
P1500 Starter Signal Circuit Fault
P1510 Air Volume Too Low With Supercharger On
P1520 Stop Light Switch Signal Malfunction
P1600 ECM Battery Back-up Circuit Fault
P1633 ECM Malfunction (ETCS Circuit)
P1605 Knock Control CPU Fault
P1700 Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Fault
P1705 Direct Clutch Speed Sensor Circuit Fault
P1765 Linear Shift Solenoid Circuit Fault
P1780 Park Neutral Position Switch Fault

Check some advices how to maintenance your Toyota Specific OBD II Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) included.

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