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OBD 2 DTC Codes

If you have a problem with your car like your Check Engine Light is turned on and you want to diagnose it, here is the list of manufacturer specific OBD-2 codes aka DTC - Trouble Codes

If you didn't find a right OBD-II code for your car you should consider Generic OBD 2 DTC Codes list.

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> Lexus Owners Manual > Lexus brand guidelines

Lexus brand guidelines

Instructions, repair guide, maintanence and service manual in PDF

Great brands live in people’s hearts and minds. They express a set of core values that resonate with the customer, and they possess the power to inspire. Successful brands form the basis of a powerful relationship. Customers trust them and expect great things of them.

Lexus is one of these great brands. To our customers, we stand for more than premium luxury automobiles. We represent a company that is focused and passionate. A company that has an understanding of, and concern for, our customers. A company with a keen appreciation for a rich quality of life. Through this guide, we hope all Lexus Associates and partners will capture the spirit of who we are, take pride in the exceptional benefits we provide to our customers, and be fully equipped to communicate the distinctive tone and personality that set us apart from less passionate luxury brands.

As you do so, you will help to maintain and strengthen the bond of trust that Lexus shares with its customers, and to uphold the value of the Lexus brand.

Lexus has always focused on what matters most to the luxury customer. This is why we build products that are not only admired on the outside but also highly refined on the inside. And why we don’t simply produce fine cars but pursue perfection to create the finest luxury vehicles on the road. It’s also why we don’t merely offer an excellent dealership experience but one that is unequalled in the luxury automotive category. And why we promise to make the most of every moment our customer spends with us.

Check some advices how to maintenance your Lexus brand guidelines included.

NOTICE about Lexus brand guidelines PDF download

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