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OBD 2 DTC Codes

If you have a problem with your car like your Check Engine Light is turned on and you want to diagnose it, here is the list of manufacturer specific OBD-2 codes aka DTC - Trouble Codes

If you didn't find a right OBD-II code for your car you should consider Generic OBD 2 DTC Codes list.

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> Car owner's corner > How to Paint Your Car

How to Paint Your Car

The Written Guide

The idea behind creating this written guide How To Paint Your Car was the result of a most commonly seen problem among people who are intending to paint their own car themselves; they do not have the proper and specific information readily available that can make sure of efficiency, accuracy and ease with which one can proceed.

This painting guide is designed to equip you with advantageous information related to painting a vehicle that can lead you towards producing a professional result. The guide features information on basic bodywork such as dent repair, applying the first coating of primer, surface preparation and final coat of paint and much more with polish and wax.

It is a well known fact that a new car leaving the factory has a perfect coat of paint. Over a period of time, the appearance will start to diminish due to driving; this will cause minor scratches and other such problems to occur. These commonly occurring problems are generally solved by touch-up work using a brush from a touch-up bottle to apply the paint to these scratches and other nicks.

Check some advices how to maintenance your How to Paint Your Car included.

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