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OBD 2 DTC Codes

If you have a problem with your car like your Check Engine Light is turned on and you want to diagnose it, here is the list of manufacturer specific OBD-2 codes aka DTC - Trouble Codes

If you didn't find a right OBD-II code for your car you should consider Generic OBD 2 DTC Codes list.

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Toyota GT86 Owners Manual

The Toyota GT 86 is a sport coupés made by Toyota and Subaru. The standard GT86 doesn't exactly rewrite the rules, but it does rediscover a rule book we lost 30 years ago about great chassis balance. They feature a boxer engine, front-engine, rear-wheel-drive layout and 2+2 seating. The 86 is sold under three different brands associated with its creators: Toyota, Subaru (Subaru BRZ) and Scion (Scion FR-S for the United States and Canada).

In our large database you'll find owners and service manuals for all GT 86 models in PDF availble for free download.

Please note that this owners manual covers all models and all equipment, including options of Toyota GT 86. Therefore, you may find some explanations for equipment not installed on your car.


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